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Gold Silver Bronze
Jade Clarkson Flag of England The North Horangi 0 0 1
James Gillies Flag of Scotland MH Taekwon-Do 0 0 1
Jamie McWatt Flag of Scotland MBA 0 0 1
Jocelynn Wilson Flag of Scotland FORCE Taekwon-do 0 0 1
Kamil Orchowski Flag of Poland The North Horangi 0 0 1
Kareem Sidiqi Flag of England Hwarang 0 0 1
Karen Bellany Flag of England Hwarang 0 0 1
Karolina Blachowicz Flag of Scotland Dowden's Martial Arts 0 0 1
Kristi Dugan Flag of Scotland GMSA 0 0 1
Lacey burke Flag of Scotland FORCE Taekwon-do 0 0 1
Leah Mckee Flag of Scotland Fauldhouse TKD 0 0 1
Lexi Knox Flag of Scotland Uktc 0 0 1
Lilly Jolly Flag of Scotland FORCE Taekwon-do 0 0 1
Luke Allan Flag of Scotland MBA 0 0 1
Maks Miturski Flag of United Kingdom GMS Bathgate 0 0 1