JKS Glasgow Development Competition 2023

Top Individuals

« Results

Gold Silver Bronze
Betsy Scott Flag of Scotland JKS Glasgow 0 0 1
Caleb Pirie Flag of Scotland Bushido Kai 0 0 1
Ella Barbour Flag of Scotland JKS Glasgow 0 0 1
Euan Walker Flag of Scotland Senjokai Karate 0 0 1
Gwen Barrett Flag of Scotland Traditional Shotokan Karate 0 0 1
Hannah Dowie Flag of Scotland Honbu 0 0 1
Harper Mullen Flag of Scotland Senjokai Karate 0 0 1
Hlib Spyrydonov Flag of Ukraine Bushido Kai 0 0 1
Kyle McIntyre Flag of Scotland Senjokai Karate 0 0 1
Lachlan Tonner Flag of Scotland JKS Glasgow 0 0 1
Lars Scott Flag of Scotland Senjokai Karate 0 0 1
Laura Mitchell Flag of Scotland JKS Glasgow 0 0 1
Lewis Baker Flag of Scotland Traditional Shotokan Karate 0 0 1
Matthew Cooper Flag of Scotland Senjokai Karate 0 0 1
Michael Baker Flag of Scotland Traditional Shotokan Karate 0 0 1