
Top Countries See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Flag of Austria Austria 81 77 62 1,706
Flag of Germany Germany 26 26 10 513
Flag of Hungary Hungary 14 15 17 345
Flag of Italy Italy 18 13 7 324
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 7 8 11 189
Flag of Czechia Czechia 12 6 5 178
Flag of Croatia Croatia 4 6 4 108
Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 4 1 0 48
Flag of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein 1 0 3 25

Top 10 Schools See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
The Dojo
Austria Flag of Austria
22 18 12 419
14 10 5 245
13 8 8 234
Austria Flag of Austria
14 5 3 175
Team Dimos
Austria Flag of Austria
4 7 12 156
5 10 5 155
MMA Vienna
Austria Flag of Austria
10 3 3 139
7 6 3 133
2 9 6 117
5 3 5 99

Top 10 Individuals See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Veronika Zajicova Flag of Czechia BC Krnov 4 1 2 58
Shane Jacobs Flag of Austria The Dojo 5 1 0 53
Leon Carich Flag of Austria Itokai 4 1 1 48
Vasyl Slobodeniuk Flag of Ukraine Nikkos Fight Club 4 1 0 48
Josef Weber Flag of Germany Team Weber 3 2 0 46
Sophie Böhm Flag of Austria Itokai 5 0 0 45
Karim El-Hagar Flag of Austria The Dojo 1 3 2 44
Levente Bertalan Flag of Austria The Dojo 4 0 0 40
Lotta Bozek Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Fidelis 1 3 1 39
Taylor Schmitz Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Fidelis 2 2 0 36

140 Lightcontact Female Adults -55kg

1. 233 233 Veronika Zajicova Flag of Czechia BC Krnov CZE
2. 372 372 Anna Kargl Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr AUT
3. 211 211 Lisa Burr Flag of Germany The Dojo GER

141 Lightcontact Female Adults -60kg

1. 233 233 Veronika Zajicova Flag of Czechia BC Krnov CZE
2. 209 209 Natalie Wild Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
3. 161 161 Anna Ziegelwagner Flag of Austria Team Dimos AUT

143 Lightcontact Female Adults -70kg

1. 212 212 Regina Hemm Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
2. 210 210 Vanessa Jensen Flag of Germany The Dojo GER
3-4. 371 371 Manuela Scholz Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr AUT
3-4. 109 109 Patrycja Ras Flag of Austria Team Dimos AUT

161 Kicklight Male Kids -30kg

1. 400 400 Adam Khasaev MMA Vienna
2. 301 301 Emil Jungbauer Kampfsport Kornhass
3. 296 296 Keno Kornhass Flag of Germany Kampfsport Kornhass GER

162 Kicklight Male Kids -35kg

1. 297 297 Maxi März Flag of Germany Kampfsport Kornhass GER
2. 121 121 Erik Ölbei Flag of Austria Team Dimos AUT
3-4. 168 168 Jurica Varga Flag of Croatia Sk "Silver Eagle" Rugvica CRO
3-4. 145 145 Mihailo Stojkovic Flag of Austria Kickboxing klub Team Buza AUT

163 Kicklight Male Kids -40kg

1. 360 360 Muhammed Ali Ulubaev Flag of Austria Fightclub 300 AUT
2. 399 399 Muhammad Imneev MMA Vienna

164 Kicklight Male Kids -45kg

1. 430 430 Tian Vajda Flag of Austria KSU Black Dragon Bregenz AUT
2. 220 220 Benett Bede Flag of Hungary PacoHaus Warriors SE HUN

166 Kicklight Male Kids +50kg

1. 175 175 Andrija Čačić Flag of Croatia Sk "Silver Eagle" Rugvica CRO
2. 327 327 Asen Rumenov Flag of Austria Team Fight School AUT
3. 358 358 Ricardo Laccatus Flag of Austria Fightclub 300 AUT

168 Kicklight Male Juniors -45kg

1. 355 355 Hasibula Khanzada Flag of Austria Fightclub 300 AUT
2. 310 310 Taylor Schmitz Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Fidelis GER
3-4. 201 201 Dávid Horváth Flag of Hungary PacoHaus Warriors SE HUN
3-4. 230 230 Benjámin Balogh Flag of Hungary VI-GÓ SE HUN
5. 255 255 Arian Muric BUDO SPORT WIEN

169 Kicklight Male Juniors -50kg

1. 232 232 Kristian Hepner Flag of Serbia The Dojo SRB
2. 336 336 Jannik Rogan Flag of Austria Fightclub 300 AUT
3. 256 256 Farzad Qaderi Flag of Austria BUDO SPORT WIEN AUT