WMAC German Open International German Championships⭐ Simmern


Top 10 Countries See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Flag of Germany Germany 149 158 205 3,709
Flag of Austria Austria 23 15 13 415
Flag of Czechia Czechia 18 19 6 332
Flag of France France 13 7 8 226
Flag of Belgium Belgium 4 7 9 141
Flag of England England 6 0 1 65
Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 3 3 2 64
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 2 1 6 58
Flag of Italy Italy 4 1 0 38
Flag of Netherlands Netherlands 1 1 3 33

Top 10 Schools See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
The Dojo
Austria Flag of Austria
16 13 10 314
16 10 10 270
8 8 8 184
12 3 2 154
2 10 10 150
4 8 7 139
7 5 3 125
3 7 7 121
6 3 7 119
5 6 3 113

Top 10 Individuals See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Shane Jacobs Flag of Austria The Dojo 4 2 0 56
Levente Bertalan Flag of Austria The Dojo 5 0 0 50
Markus Klingl Flag of Germany FV Walleshausen e.V. Taekwon-Do 5 0 0 50
Karim El-Hagar Flag of Austria The Dojo 1 4 1 47
Vasyl Slobodeniuk Flag of Ukraine Nikko Fight Club 2 2 1 41
Leon Tasorn Flag of Germany Karate ohne Grenzen 4 0 0 40
Davin Ipek Flag of Germany Alpha-Gym Kickboxen e.V. 3 1 0 38
Bethany Jones Flag of England Raven Kickboxing 3 0 1 35
Sara Krug Flag of Germany Kampfsport Akadamie Bodensee 3 0 1 35
Emely Leonhardt Flag of Germany Cor Leonis Kampfsport Akademie 2 1 1 33

188 Kicklight Male Adults -80kg

3-4. 433 433 Hubert Oliver Flag of Germany Kickbox Center DMG GER
3-4. 360 360 Karim El-Hagar Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
5. 353 353 Silvester Sijanec Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
329 329 Till Wagner Flag of Germany Outcast Fighting e.V. GER
462 462 Manuel Bodrozic Flag of Germany Fight Club MK Wiesbaden GER

189 Kicklight Male Adults -85kg

1. 351 351 Elias Ehret Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
2. 360 360 Karim El-Hagar Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
3-4. 465 465 Wladimir Kin Flag of Russia Fight Club MK Wiesbaden RUS
3-4. 169 169 Thiebault Joerger Flag of France Sparta Boxing Club FRA
5. 514 514 Marcel Gödel Flag of Germany ASK Neustadt GER

190 Kicklight Male Adults -90kg

1. 348 348 Jiří Škrdlant Flag of Czechia SKS ARENA Kladno CZE
2. 206 206 Vladimír Zinevyč Spolek kickbox Marianske Lázně

191 Kicklight Male Adults +90kg

1. 460 460 Pascal Bischof Flag of Austria Kickbox & Fitnessunion Dornbirn AUT
2. 203 203 Joel Bauer Flag of Germany Kampfsportzentrum Henri Charlet GER
3. 464 464 Alexandru Stan Flag of Germany Fight Club MK Wiesbaden GER

192 Kicklight Male Veterans -70kg

1. 218 218 Dan NGUYEN Flag of France Fédération de Kick-Boxing (FKBDA) FRA
2. 358 358 Matthias Hofer Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT

194 Kicklight Male Veterans -80kg

1. 359 359 Levente Bertalan Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
2. 353 353 Silvester Sijanec Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
3-4. 324 324 Jens-Christian Uhlmann Flag of Germany Buka-Dojo GER
3-4. 358 358 Matthias Hofer Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT

195 Kicklight Male Veterans +80kg

1. 113 113 Ondrej Kohout Flag of Czechia SKS ARENA Kladno CZE
2. 350 350 Shane Jacobs Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
3. 208 208 Marek Musil Flag of Czechia Spolek kickbox Marianske Lázně CZE

198 Kicklight Male Masters +80kg

1. 350 350 Shane Jacobs Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
2. 327 327 Volker Schubert Flag of Germany Buka-Dojo GER

201 Kicklight Female Kids 25kg

1. 388 388 Jolie Zavelberg Flag of Germany Tomburg Boxing Rheinbach e.V GER
2. 219 219 Mila Wurster Flag of Germany Kickboxclub Amberg GER

202 Kicklight Female Kids -35kg

1. 652 652 Davin Ipek Flag of Germany Alpha-Gym Kickboxen e.V. GER
2. 380 380 Sofie Kolenčíková Flag of Czechia Fight arena Slaný CZE