Karl and Gary Demo

Top Individuals

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Gold Silver Bronze Points
Alice Cantu Flag of Germany Berlin Institute 1 1 0 43
Helgi Nielsen Flag of New Zealand Christchurch Black Belts 1 1 0 43
Ina Davis Flag of Germany Berlin Institute 0 1 1 33
Abel Vercammen Flag of Sweden Göteborg Studio 0 0 2 30
Harald Olsen Flag of New Zealand Christchurch Black Belts 1 0 0 25
Hywel Couch Flag of New Zealand Auckland Studio 1 0 0 25
Ingeborg Olsen Flag of Iceland Akureyri Studio 1 0 0 25
Rogier de Ruyter Flag of Germany Berlin Institute 1 0 0 25
Adam Markku Flag of Germany Berlin Institute 0 1 0 18
Indriði Olsen Flag of New Zealand Christchurch Black Belts 0 1 0 18
Sebastian Bréhal Flag of Iceland Akureyri Studio 1 0 0 15
Trefor Couch Flag of Hungary Budapest Gym 1 0 0 15
Joey Cruwys Flag of Hungary Budapest Gym 0 0 1 15
Saorlaith Mac Sitric Flag of Germany Berlin Institute 0 0 1 15
Rhodri Hier Flag of Germany Berlin Institute 0 0 0 12