WMAC World Cup / Bregenz Open 2024 Bregenz/Austria


Top 10 Countries See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Flag of Germany Germany 205 181 209 5,283
Flag of Austria Austria 72 64 96 2,133
Flag of Czechia Czechia 21 20 21 544
Flag of Italy Italy 27 15 12 467
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 2 10 27 281
Flag of France France 11 9 4 239
Flag of England England 13 4 12 238
Flag of Hungary Hungary 10 8 10 237
Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 9 10 5 230
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 2 0 1 31

Top 10 Schools See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
12 16 17 454
12 13 10 311
13 4 12 290
The Dojo
Austria Flag of Austria
13 7 8 271
3 7 10 245
11 9 4 239
13 4 12 238
7 7 10 231
10 8 9 219
11 7 3 214

Top 10 Individuals See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Eileen Cheung Flag of England WMAC England 5 1 1 74
Laura Schedler Flag of Austria KSU Black Dragon Bregenz 5 0 0 60
Angelina Mirke Flag of Germany INVICTUS Kick & Thaiboxschule 3 2 1 59
Anna Kargl Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr 2 2 1 51
Shane Jacobs Flag of Austria The Dojo 4 0 0 50
Jan ILKOV Flag of Czechia Tiger fight club Chomutov 3 2 2 50
Chelsea Hein Flag of Germany Karate ohne Grenzen 4 1 0 48
Cleo Ruloff Flag of Germany Karate ohne Grenzen 4 1 0 48
Diana Schmidt Flag of Germany 861 Kampfkunst Fridingen 4 0 0 48
Elias Stielke Flag of Germany Team Red Dragon Kornwestheim 4 0 0 48

573 Oriental Boxing Female Cadets -70kg

1. 358 358 Felice Karger Flag of Germany Tomburg Boxing Rheinbach e.V GER
2. 636 636 Marina Alhelou Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Sakari GER

577 Oriental Boxing Female Adults -60kg

1. 644 644 Angelina Mirke Flag of Germany INVICTUS Kick & Thaiboxschule GER
2. 835 835 Michaela Steininger Flag of Austria Pandas Fightcrew Austria AUT
3. 572 572 Emma Cardová Flag of Czechia Fight arena Slaný CZE

595 Thaiboxing Male Adults -65kg

1. 243 243 Hugh Brophy Flag of Luxembourg Roots Collective Combat Sports LUX
2. 242 242 Niels Björnsson Flag of Luxembourg Roots Collective Combat Sports LUX
3-4. 272 272 Jan Gross Flag of Germany CSC - Combat Sports Center GER
3-4. 925 925 FARIS KOLLMANN Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina CHAKURIKI BIH
5. 264 264 Louis WAROQUIEZ Flag of France Fédération de Kick-Boxing (FKBDA) FRA

596 Thaiboxing Male Adults -70kg

1. 279 279 Dennis Ciollek CSC - Combat Sports Center
2. 278 278 Luca Rinderer Flag of Germany CSC - Combat Sports Center GER
3-4. 407 407 Xavier Schmit Flag of Luxembourg Roots Collective Combat Sports LUX
3-4. 929 929 DION NIMONAJ Flag of Kosovo CHAKURIKI KOS
5. 841 841 Maximilian Müller Flag of Austria Pandas Fightcrew Austria AUT

597 Thaiboxing Male Adults -75kg

1. 277 277 Ricardo Orgiana Flag of Germany CSC - Combat Sports Center GER
2. 278 278 Luca Rinderer Flag of Germany CSC - Combat Sports Center GER
3. 159 159 Ismail Alpaydin Flag of Austria Team Dimos AUT

599 Thaiboxing Male Adults -85kg

1. 114 114 Marvin Foster Flag of Switzerland MARTIAL SPORTS SCIENCE ACADEMY SUI
2. 274 274 Alexander Holzapfel Flag of Germany CSC - Combat Sports Center GER
3. 926 926 KRISHA KERNER Flag of Germany CHAKURIKI GER

601 Thaiboxing Male Adults +90kg

1. 755 755 Adam Koch Flag of Germany MMA TOP TEAM ROSENHEIM GER
2. 927 927 BRUCE MIKULOVIC Flag of Romania CHAKURIKI ROU
3-4. 536 536 Mikail Pacaci Flag of Germany Herzblut Sportclub GER
3-4. 633 633 Dario Danilovic Flag of Austria Asia Wien AUT

605 Thaiboxing Female Cadets -60kg

1. 704 704 Lily Fideršek Flag of Slovenia Scorpion gym - Slovenia SLO
2. 271 271 Lola BARBIER Flag of France Fédération de Kick-Boxing (FKBDA) FRA

611 Thaiboxing Female Adults -60kg

1. 644 644 Angelina Mirke Flag of Germany INVICTUS Kick & Thaiboxschule GER
2. 632 632 Sandra Smelik Flag of Austria Asia Wien AUT
3. 835 835 Michaela Steininger Flag of Austria Pandas Fightcrew Austria AUT

623 MMA Male Cadets -60kg

1. 928 928 Jonas dornhofer Flag of Austria Kaiser-Gym Tirol AUT
2. 1038 1038 Sebastian Schiefermayr International Fight Team Steyr
3-4. 537 537 Dennis Weber Flag of Germany Herzblut Sportclub GER
3-4. 520 520 Metin Ugurelli Flag of Turkey Impact Gym Augsburg TUR