WMAC World Cup / Bregenz Open 2024 Bregenz/Austria


Top 10 Countries See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Flag of Germany Germany 205 181 209 5,283
Flag of Austria Austria 72 64 96 2,133
Flag of Czechia Czechia 21 20 21 544
Flag of Italy Italy 27 15 12 467
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 2 10 27 281
Flag of France France 11 9 4 239
Flag of England England 13 4 12 238
Flag of Hungary Hungary 10 8 10 237
Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 9 10 5 230
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 2 0 1 31

Top 10 Schools See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
12 16 17 454
12 13 10 311
13 4 12 290
The Dojo
Austria Flag of Austria
13 7 8 271
3 7 10 245
11 9 4 239
13 4 12 238
7 7 10 231
10 8 9 219
11 7 3 214

Top 10 Individuals See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Eileen Cheung Flag of England WMAC England 5 1 1 74
Laura Schedler Flag of Austria KSU Black Dragon Bregenz 5 0 0 60
Angelina Mirke Flag of Germany INVICTUS Kick & Thaiboxschule 3 2 1 59
Anna Kargl Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr 2 2 1 51
Shane Jacobs Flag of Austria The Dojo 4 0 0 50
Jan ILKOV Flag of Czechia Tiger fight club Chomutov 3 2 2 50
Chelsea Hein Flag of Germany Karate ohne Grenzen 4 1 0 48
Cleo Ruloff Flag of Germany Karate ohne Grenzen 4 1 0 48
Diana Schmidt Flag of Germany 861 Kampfkunst Fridingen 4 0 0 48
Elias Stielke Flag of Germany Team Red Dragon Kornwestheim 4 0 0 48

123 Lightcontact Female Kids -50kg

1. 715 715 Goodness Lucky Flag of Germany Tigers-Arena GER
2. 427 427 Valentina Mobilia Flag of Germany Kickbox Center DMG GER

124 Lightcontact Female Kids +50kg

1. 255 255 Danja Nasser Flag of Germany Team Red Dragon Kornwestheim GER
2. 522 522 Masa Aleksic Flag of Germany Kampfsportzentrum Henri Charlet GER
3-4. 1023 1023 Malia Seibold Flag of Germany Sportschule Fight&More GER
3-4. 484 484 Aysu Naz Demirkan Flag of Germany Impact Gym Augsburg GER

125 Lightcontact Girls Kids -45 kg

1. 353 353 Liv Bender Flag of Germany Tomburg Boxing Rheinbach e.V GER
2. 890 890 Dilay Tekin Flag of Germany Kampfsport Akadamie Bodensee GER

128 Lightcontact Female Juniors -55kg

1. 326 326 Xenia Lotz Flag of Germany Cor Leonis Kampfsport Akademie GER
2. 737 737 Hana Schwarzová Flag of Czechia Samurai Fight Club CZE
3. 958 958 Rozen Guthrie Flag of United Kingdom WMAC England GBR

129 Lightcontact Female Juniors -60kg

1. 720 720 Amelie Och Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Rögner GER
2. 913 913 Julia Koliwer Flag of Germany Kampfsport Akadamie Bodensee GER
3. 472 472 Angela Niero Flag of Italy Shark Fighters Kick Boxing A.s.d. ITA

133 Lightcontact Female Cadets -50kg

1. 958 958 Rozen Guthrie Flag of United Kingdom WMAC England GBR
2. 918 918 Lisa Flaig Flag of Germany Kampfsport Akadamie Bodensee GER
3-4. 521 521 Alina Gänshirt Flag of Germany Kampfsportzentrum Henri Charlet GER
3-4. 544 544 Deshire Gela Flag of Albania Kampfwerkstatt Weinstadt ALB
5-7. 185 185 Trinity Nuciforo-Greenslade Flag of England WMAC England ENG
5-7. 326 326 Xenia Lotz Flag of Germany Cor Leonis Kampfsport Akademie GER
5-7. 429 429 Marina Kazepidou Kickbox Center DMG

134 Lightcontact Female Cadets -55kg

1. 321 321 Emely Leonhardt Flag of Germany Cor Leonis Kampfsport Akademie GER
2. 724 724 Mona Wagner Kampfsportschule Rögner
3-4. 957 957 Sigrun Brendler Flag of Germany Kung Fu Unlingen GER
3-4. 690 690 Rosa Bayer KSC Tutzing

136 Lightcontact Female Cadets -65kg

1. 870 870 Laura Schedler KSU Black Dragon Bregenz
2. 375 375 Kelly Kloos Flag of Germany Superior-SW GER
3-4. 348 348 Nisa Özgül Flag of Austria Kampfsportunion Team Steiner AUT
3-4. 545 545 Ilaria Tigrato Flag of Italy Kampfwerkstatt Weinstadt ITA
5-8. 1035 1035 Rebecca Riboli Flag of Austria KSU Black Dragon Bregenz AUT
5-8. 689 689 Joy Holzer Flag of Germany KSC Tutzing GER
5-8. 209 209 Tessa Bachmann Powerkick Action& Defense
5-8. 210 210 Anina Lasco Powerkick Action& Defense

138 Lightcontact Female Cadets +70kg

1. 684 684 Leonie Hanel Flag of Germany Tigers-Arena GER
2. 671 671 Zeynep Karatas Martial Arts Academy Rosenheim
3. 575 575 Sinem Sahin Flag of Switzerland Rheintal Fight Industrie SUI

139 Lightcontact Female Adults -50kg

1. 918 918 Lisa Flaig Flag of Germany Kampfsport Akadamie Bodensee GER
2. 411 411 Larissa Spada Flag of Switzerland Power Defense Kickboxing by Franco Melchioretto SUI