ITF Open The Netherlands

Top Individuals

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Gold Silver Bronze
Brandon Elkhuizen Flag of Netherlands Taekwondo Vereniging Ramsoebhag 3 0 0
Max Simhon Flag of Netherlands TA Nimjae/CB19NL 3 0 0
Felix de Jong Flag of Netherlands Kumgang 2 1 0
Britt Troudes Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-do Vereniging Suokjang 2 0 1
Daniƫl Nieuwland Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-do Vereniging Suokjang 2 0 1
Alissa Tijssen Flag of Netherlands Ma-ryuk 2 0 0
Caitlyn Lung Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-do Vereniging Suokjang 2 0 0
Eva van den Eijnde Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-Do Soo Bak-Gi 2 0 0
Lotte Broerse Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-Do Vereniging Leerdam 2 0 0
Seven Ophof Flag of Netherlands ITF UNION NEDERLAND 2 0 0
Tenyo petrov Flag of Bulgaria Taekwon-Do Tiger Academy 2 0 0
Tim Van Houts Flag of Netherlands Taekyon Alverna 2 0 0
Troy Hoogveld Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-Do Vereniging Leerdam 1 2 0
delana hermse Flag of Netherlands Ma-ryuk 1 1 0
Dorian Lossie Flag of Netherlands TaeKwon-Do beuk 1 1 0