Hosted by:

Lu's Taekwon-Do, Ottawa, Canada


Tournament Waiver (Competitors Must Read)

2024 CHITF TAEKWON-DO World Cup Invitation letter

2024 CHITF TAEKWON-DO WORLD CUP Tournament Package

2024 CHITF Taekwon-Do World Cup Poster

Registration deadline:

Tue Apr 30, 2024 23:59 EDT 11 months ago

Entry fees:

Patterns and/or Sparring: $80
Special Techniques: $40
Obstacle Course: $20

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General Information


Chan Hun International TaeKwon-Do Federation and Lu’s Taekwon-Do would like to warmly welcome you to the 2024 May 11 CHITF TAEKWON-DO World Cup in Ottawa Canada.

Join us in celebrating by being a part of this special World Class Championship taking place at John Levi Community Centre, 182 Bridge Street, Almonte, Ottawa, Canada.

The 2024 CHITF TAEKWON-DO WORLD CUP Celebration has already received confirmation of attendance by Canadian Government VIPs, Grand Masters and Masters in the Continent of PAN AM,, Europe and ASIA. This support and level of interest will make this Cup a very special world class competition.

World Cup competition events:
 Patterns and Sparring - Colour Belts, Black Belts
 Special Techniques - All Belts
 Obstacle Course - All belts, 4-6 year old

We will also host a Special Banquet, a delicious 10-course Chinese dinner. This banquet will take place at 7:30 pm, Saturday, May 11. Cost $60, first come first serve. Please join us at this special Taekwon-Do celebration! Thank you to everyone who has purchased tickets. The banquet is now SOLD OUT!

Yours in TKD,
Phap Lu, MBA, 9th Dan Organizer
As of 30 April, REGISTRATION is closed for competitors. Thank you for all your support!
On this website, you can:
- Register a Competitor (must read waiver)
- Register an Umpire/Referee (if you are not competing). All competing Black Belts 16 years and older will automatically be registered
- Purchase banquet ticket(s) for Sat May 11 celebration
To register or purchase tickets:
1. Create a Klhapp account (email and password required) - Klhapp will prompt you to create one or "sign in"
2. Complete registration forms and/or purchase tickets
3. Complete payment, following payment instructions
4. Log out
See "Tournament Package" for full instructions.
- All competitors MUST read WAIVER. Paid registration assumes you have read and signed the Waiver.
- See "Tournament Package" for event details and registration instructions.
- Referees/Umpires who are *not* competing must register on this website.
- Coaches need to register on this website (maximum 2 coaches per school).
- Ensure registration information is accurate. Once registered, there is no correction.
- If you require a VISA to enter Canada, do not register until you have obtained your visa.
- NO REFUND, once registered and payment is completed successfully. All payments are final.
- COVID disclaimer - please be considerate. If you are unwell, do NOT attend this event, even if you are registered.
- World Cup tournament organizers will not issue “personal” invitation letters.
Follow your respective country’s visa requirements to visit Canada.
- Spectators entry is $8 at the door (under 8 years are free)
**Disclaimer: Any photos taken during this event may be used for promotional purposes; therefore, when you attend this event, you waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto.
Once registration is closed, Lu's Taekwon-Do organizing committee will create the competition sheets and email your school a list of registered competitors. Instructors should review and confirm all collect information is correct. If you have any questions, please contact the host's email (link is on this page). Thank you.

We look forward to seeing everyone at this World Cup. Train hard and do your best!

John Levi Community Centre