UMKS Regional Martial Arts Invitational

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Hosted by:

United Mirae Kuk Sool


Breaking Card for Competitors

Competition Date Reference Sheet

Hotel Information

UMKS Privacy Policy

UMKS Terms and Refund Policy

Championship Divisions

Pre-Order Your Souvenir T-Shirt

Friday & Saturday Detailed Schedule

Weekend Schedule of Events

Tournament Rules for Judges

Tournament Rules for Competitors

Competition Requirements by Age and Rank

Registration deadline:

Thu Apr 10, 2025 23:59 PDT in 28 days

Entry fees:

1 event: $80

2 events: $100

3 events: $120

4 events: $135

5 events: $150

6 events: $165

7 events: $165

8 events: $180

9 events: $180

10 events: $190

11 events: $190

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General Information

We are delighted to announce our UMKS Regional Martial Arts Invitational in California.

Friday, April 11, 2025 (starting at 3 PM):
-All 2nd Dahn and Higher competition will take place.
-1st Dahn Adults will compete in Mirae Ki Cho Hyung and Mirae Cho Geup Hyung (these events only).
-Location: Burlingame Martial Arts, 851 Hinckley Road, Burlingame, CA 94010

Saturday, April 12, 2025:
-All Color Belts (all ages) and 1st Dahn Youth, Teens, and Adults will have their regular competition.
-Color Belts and 1st Dahn Youth and Teens will compete in Mirae Ki Cho Hyung and Mirae Cho Geup Hyung.
-Location: Woodside High School, 199 Churchill Ave, Woodside, CA 94062
Doors Open @ 8am | Judges Meeting @ 8:30am | Event Starts @ 9am
SPECTATOR FEES: Teens & Adults $15; Kids 5-12 yrs $10; Kids 4 and under are free (Payment methods: cash, Venmo or PayPal)*
*Get one free spectator ticket for every Youth (17 & Younger) registered competitor. Free spectator must check in when the competitor checks in for competition.

1 Event = $90
2 Events = $110
3 Events = $130
4 Events = $145
5 Events = $160
6 or 7 Events = $175
8 or 9 Events = $190
10 or 11 Events = $200
*Register in January or February and receive $25 off the prices above
*Register in March and receive $10 off the prices above
*The price shown upon checkout already reflects the discounts*

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Preliminary schedule provided under Information as an attachment. Please refer back to this page the week of the tournament for any last minute adjustments.

Where numbers allow you will compete within your own belt rank and age group only; however, in some instances we may need to combine divisions/age groups to create a fair competition.

-Forms (Hyung)
-Techniques (Sool)
-Staff (Red Belts and higher)
-Sword (Black Belts)
-Self Defense (Black Belt Candidates/DBN and higher)
-Breaking (Black Belts) - Pre-fill out your Breaking Card (we will have extras where you check in for competition)
-(Mirae) Bae Ki Form (Black Belt Candidates/DBN and higher)
-(Mirae) Bong 2 (Black Belts)
-(Mirae) Ki Cho Hyung Competition (4-8) (All Ranks)
-(Mirae) Cho Geup Hyung Competition (All Ranks, except White Belt)

-Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.
-Mirae Ki Cho Hyung Champion
-Mirae Cho Geup Hyung Champion
-Grand Champion for Black Belts
-Mirae Champion for Black Belts

We have souvenir t-shirts available for pre-order. See information section for details.
Adam's Grub Truck will be on-site at Woodside High on Saturday from 12pm-3pm.

Woodside High School Gymnasium, Woodside, CA