Nationwide Cup 2025

Top Individuals

« Results

Gold Silver Bronze
Devran Ali Sezer Flag of Germany Porzer Fightlcub 1 0 0
Dorothee Hirth Flag of Germany Sportcenter Isken 1 0 0
Emilie Gudonow Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Schawe 1 0 0
Fabian Franke Flag of Germany Outcast Fighting e.V. 1 0 0
Finn Bleier Flag of Germany Black Belt Monkeys 1 0 0
Haylie Buttenbruch Flag of Germany ITF-TAG. 1 0 0
Imran Alzalyar Flag of Germany Porzer Fightlcub 1 0 0
Jemina Halilovice Flag of Germany Budo Sport altenessen 1 0 0
Jessika Christian Flag of Germany Sportcenter Isken 1 0 0
Kadir kaynar Flag of Germany ITF-TAG. 1 0 0
Levy Heinrich Flag of Germany SteveĀ“s Martial Arts Kids 1 0 0
Linea Weyand Flag of Germany MT Sports Akademie 1 0 0
Lucy Schumacher Flag of Germany SB-Kickboxing e.V. 1 0 0
Luis Weninger Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Schawe 1 0 0
Macit Amimer Flag of Germany Porzer Fightlcub 1 0 0