WMAC Weiz Open 2025 Weiz / Austria


Top Countries See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Flag of Austria Austria 94 96 92 2,532
Flag of Hungary Hungary 25 25 9 595
Flag of Germany Germany 26 17 10 528
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 10 6 11 235
Flag of Czechia Czechia 8 5 4 160
Flag of Italy Italy 3 2 6 86
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 1 1 2 32
Flag of Croatia Croatia 1 0 0 12

Top 10 Schools See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
The Dojo
Austria Flag of Austria
20 15 12 450
10 7 4 210
Feja Sport
6 10 3 187
9 7 1 183
5 6 11 175
Austria Flag of Austria
7 6 5 169
7 7 2 164
MMA Vienna
Austria Flag of Austria
9 2 4 148
Hungary Flag of Hungary
8 4 2 146
2 8 7 139

Top 10 Individuals See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Josef Weber Flag of Germany Serge Seguin Kampfsportinstitut München e.V. 3 2 0 52
Karim El-Hagar Flag of Austria The Dojo 1 3 2 52
Levente Bertalan Flag of Austria The Dojo 4 0 0 48
Taylor Schmitz Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Fidelis 4 0 0 48
Jan Smarzyk Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Fidelis 1 3 0 42
Mikaela Gojani Flag of Kosovo MMASC 1 3 0 42
Tian Vajda Flag of Austria KSU Black Dragon Bregenz 1 3 0 42
Leah Zimmermann Flag of Austria Budo Sport Wien 2 1 1 39
Anna Kargl Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr 1 1 3 37
Alberto Pellucco Flag of Italy Aoshima Shinken Ryu Italy 3 0 0 36

HS 327 Hardstyle Female Adults Blue–Black

1. 502 502 Manuela Scholz Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr AUT
22.3 p

HS 329 Hardstyle Female Veterans Blue–Black

1. 502 502 Manuela Scholz Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr AUT
22.4 p

HS 331 Hardstyle Female Masters Blue–Black

1. 502 502 Manuela Scholz Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr AUT
22.1 p

KA 307 Karate Kata Male Adults Blue–Black

1. 107 107 Alberto Pellucco Flag of Italy Aoshima Shinken Ryu Italy ITA
23.3 p
2. 411 411 Josef Weber Flag of Germany Serge Seguin Kampfsportinstitut München e.V. GER
22.9 p
3. 128 128 Matteo Lambertini Flag of Italy WMAC ITALIA ITA
22.7 p
3. 111 111 Valentino Udugama Flag of Italy Aoshima Shinken Ryu Italy ITA
21.4 p

SS 359 Softstyle Male Veterans Blackbelt

1. 286 286 Petr Vaculín Flag of Czechia Wu-shu Pelhřimov - sdružení bojových umění CZE
22.2 p

NT 356 Non Traditional Male Adults Colorbelt

1. 411 411 Josef Weber Flag of Germany Serge Seguin Kampfsportinstitut München e.V. GER
22.1 p

NT 361 Non Traditional Male Masters Blackbelt

1. 101 101 Ronald HITZ Flag of Austria Shiro Tora Dojo AUT
22.5 p

NT 381 Non Traditional Female Masters Blackbelt

1. 102 102 Elisabeth HITZ Flag of Austria Shiro Tora Dojo AUT
22.5 p

NTW 403 Non Traditional Weapons Male Adults All Belts

1. 411 411 Josef Weber Flag of Germany Serge Seguin Kampfsportinstitut München e.V. GER
22.2 p

NTW 405 Non Traditional Weapons Male Masters All Belts

1. 101 101 Ronald HITZ Flag of Austria Shiro Tora Dojo AUT
22.2 p