WMAC Weiz Open 2025 Weiz / Austria


Top Countries See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Flag of Austria Austria 94 96 92 2,532
Flag of Hungary Hungary 25 25 9 595
Flag of Germany Germany 26 17 10 528
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 10 6 11 235
Flag of Czechia Czechia 8 5 4 160
Flag of Italy Italy 3 2 6 86
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 1 1 2 32
Flag of Croatia Croatia 1 0 0 12

Top 10 Schools See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
The Dojo
Austria Flag of Austria
20 15 12 450
10 7 4 210
Feja Sport
6 10 3 187
9 7 1 183
5 6 11 175
Austria Flag of Austria
7 6 5 169
7 7 2 164
MMA Vienna
Austria Flag of Austria
9 2 4 148
Hungary Flag of Hungary
8 4 2 146
2 8 7 139

Top 10 Individuals See All

Gold Silver Bronze Points
Josef Weber Flag of Germany Serge Seguin Kampfsportinstitut München e.V. 3 2 0 52
Karim El-Hagar Flag of Austria The Dojo 1 3 2 52
Levente Bertalan Flag of Austria The Dojo 4 0 0 48
Taylor Schmitz Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Fidelis 4 0 0 48
Jan Smarzyk Flag of Germany Kampfsportschule Fidelis 1 3 0 42
Mikaela Gojani Flag of Kosovo MMASC 1 3 0 42
Tian Vajda Flag of Austria KSU Black Dragon Bregenz 1 3 0 42
Leah Zimmermann Flag of Austria Budo Sport Wien 2 1 1 39
Anna Kargl Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr 1 1 3 37
Alberto Pellucco Flag of Italy Aoshima Shinken Ryu Italy 3 0 0 36

LC 32 Lightcontact Male Adults -75kg

1. 234 234 Daniel Jakubek Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
2. 108 108 Filippo Giacometti Flag of Italy Aoshima Shinken Ryu Italy ITA
3-4. 231 231 Aleksandar Miljkovic Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
3-4. 154 154 Roman Oelke Flag of Germany ASK Neustadt GER

LC 33 Lightcontact Male Adults -80kg

1. 232 232 Karim El-Hagar Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
2. 129 129 Enrico Bulgarelli Flag of Italy WMAC ITALIA ITA
3-4. 239 239 Silvester Sijanec Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
3-4. 191 191 Szabi Pader Flag of Austria Team Dimos AUT
5-6. 390 390 Stephan Simmer Flag of Austria Kickboxen Sanda Amstetten AUT
5-6. 254 254 Noah Bacher Kampfsportunion Porcia

LC 34 Lightcontact Male Adults -85kg

1. 238 238 Armin Skorup Flag of Austria Kampfsportunion Porcia AUT
2. 281 281 Matias Goričan Flag of Slovenia KTB Muay Thai Gym Ptuj SLO
3. 232 232 Karim El-Hagar Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT

LC 35 Lightcontact Male Adults -90kg

1. 167 167 Ondřej Kohout Flag of Czechia SKS ARENA Kladno CZE
2. 251 251 Ermin Slabon Flag of Austria Kampfsportunion Porcia AUT
3-4. 387 387 Nikola Marković Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
3-4. 280 280 Wahidullah Rostami International Fight Team Steyr

LC 42 Lightcontact Male Veterans -85kg

1. 221 221 Levente Bertalan Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
2. 191 191 Szabi Pader Flag of Austria Team Dimos AUT

LC 52 Lightcontact Male Masters +85kg

1. 220 220 Shane Jacobs Flag of Austria The Dojo AUT
2. 186 186 Kurt Grabenwöger Flag of Austria Team Dimos AUT

LC 61 Lightcontact Female Kids -30kg

1. 448 448 Nelli Major Flag of Hungary SPORT UTCA SPORTEGYESÜLET (SU-SE) HUN
2. 460 460 Lora Pofuk Flag of Croatia The Dojo CRO

LC 71 Lightcontact Female Juniors -45kg

1. 425 425 Lisa März Flag of Germany Kampfsport Kornhass GER
2. 360 360 Anna Fodróczy Flag of Hungary Simon-Gym HUN

LC 72 Lightcontact Female Juniors -50kg

1. 209 209 Mezei Dominika Flag of Hungary Feja Sport HUN
2. 282 282 Marina Trailovic Flag of Austria Hiro AUT

LC 73 Lightcontact Female Juniors -55kg

1. 516 516 Vivien Domu Flag of Hungary SPORT UTCA SPORTEGYESÜLET (SU-SE) HUN
2. 503 503 Vanessa Trettenbrein Flag of Austria ASKÖ Kickboxclub Steyr AUT