CKA Test Tournament

TF022 Traditional Forms 18-34 years Beginner–Intermediate Ring 2
TF023 Traditional Forms 18-34 years Advanced
TF025 Traditional Forms 35+ years Advanced Ring 1 3rd
S033 Point Sparring 18-34 years M -175.0lb Beginner–Intermediate Ring 1

Point Sparring

Carl Stevenson
Flag of United States
103 Coppock's Kenpo Karate Academy (AKKS)
John Cage
Flag of United States
108 Black Dragon Martial Arts
~17:52 Ring 1
Point Sparring
Category S033 Point Sparring 18-34 years M -175.0lb Beginner–Intermediate
Winner Advance to Final S033.4 on Ring 1 at ~17:58
Loser Continue to S033.3 on Ring 1 at ~17:55

Traditional Forms

Score 5
Score 4
Score 3
Score 2
Score 1

Traditional Forms

Score 5
Score 4
Score 3
Score 2
Score 1

Traditional Forms

Score 5
Score 4
Score 3
Score 2
Score 1