1st Rotterdam Taekwon-Do Cup

Top Individuals

« Results

Gold Silver Bronze
Maarten van Lith Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-Do Academie Gelderland 0 0 1
Max van de Kerkhof Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-Do Tiger Academy Geldrop 0 0 1
Melle smit Flag of Netherlands BITA ITF HQ 0 0 1
Merel Lanjouw Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-Do School Joong-Gun 0 0 1
Moses olowoparija Flag of England BITA ITF HQ 0 0 1
Nadia Mis Flag of Netherlands Choi Yong 0 0 1
Nidarshani Dhoen Flag of Netherlands Taekwondo vereniging Ramsoebhag 0 0 1
oliwia visschers Flag of Netherlands BITA ITF HQ 0 0 1
oliwia visschers Flag of Netherlands BITA ITF HQ 0 0 1
oskar visschers Flag of Netherlands BITA ITF HQ 0 0 1
Palwasha Khougiani Flag of Netherlands Taekwondo vereniging Ramsoebhag 0 0 1
Raúl Martowirono 2 Flag of Netherlands Taekwon-Do School Martowirono 0 0 1
Ribbens Lot Flag of Netherlands Taekwondo Academie Scholte 0 0 1
Ribbens Rosalie Flag of Netherlands Taekwondo Academie Scholte 0 0 1
Sabrina van der Heijden Flag of Netherlands Maruti Martial Arts 0 0 1