NAMA Under 7s Interclub

Hosted by:

Newton Abbot Martial Arts

Registration deadline:

Fri Apr 07, 2023 23:59 BST almost 2 years ago

Entry fees:

£10 per competitor

Spectator Ticket:
£2 online
£5 at the door

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General Information

The NAMA Under 7s Inter-club is the first competition Newton Abbot Martial Arts has hosted and we're hoping it will bring the local martial arts schools together and also provide a safe, fun and friendly place for your younger students to have their first competitive martial arts experience.

To make it as fair as possible we have made four events which do not favour any particular striking art system and should not affect whichever syllabus you have in place.

The event are:
- Four corner block; this is small routine of parries, which will be judged similarly to patterns/ forms. I have included an instructional link to the routine. Please note that under 4 year olds will only require the 1st 4 moves of this drill:

- High Kick; this is a ball held on a string which will be raised higher and higher until only one competitor can reach it:

- Tag sparring; Each competitor will be given two tags to wear around the waist. The aim of of competition is to take the opponents tag. This will operate similarly to point stop sparring with a reset between each tag being grabbed. Head guards will be provided.

- Point stop sparring; Similar to the rules within both ITF Taekwon-Do and Freestyle Kickboxing/ Karate. We will be conducting touch contact only point stop sparring. Due to the competitors age and experience levels there will be no strikes permitted to the face. The point system will be 3 points for a kick to the head, 2 points for a kick to the body and 1 point for a punch.

It is really important that everyone in attendance has a positive experience and we will be doing our upmost to ensure this throughout the day.

NAMA Fitness and Wellness Centre