Got Sticks?

Register Individual
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Register Team Register Referee
Hosted by:

1 (702) 849-5673

Registration deadline:

Wed Mar 05, 2025 23:59 PST in 6 months

Entry fees:


First 2 categories: $125
Additional categories: $25 each
Teams: $75 per team

Sun Sep 01, 2024   –   Sun Mar 02, 2025 23:59 PST

6 months to go


First 2 categories: $175
Additional categories: $25 each
Teams: $125 per team

Mon Mar 03, 2025   –   Wed Mar 05, 2025 23:59 PST

Spectator 13 and up (Door Only):

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General Information

Welcome to the registration page for the Got Sticks? International Eskrima Championships

We highly encourage you to register before Sunday March 2, 2025 23:59 PDT, so that you don't pay the higher late fee.

Early Bird will get a free Tournament Shirt

7am Doors Open
8:30am Judges Meeting
9:00 Tournament Starts

If you don't see your school, please either contact your instructor to add your school or send an email to Antonio Lucero with School's name, Instructor's name, email and website/facebook page and logo.

   FMA EventsLevel
   Novice - Less than 2 years of experience and no participation at a National or World Tournament.
   Advance - More than 2 years of experience or participation at a National or World Tournament.

   FMA Events
   Knife Cont.
   Padded Cont.
   Double sticks
   Live Single Stick
   Live Single Stick Teams

Referee Registration
If you plan on being a referee, please register. We will be having a meeting on TBD to go over rules and the flow of the tournament. A copy of the rules will be sent out prior to the tournament.

Promoter reserves right to combine categories.
Divisions will be combine if there are less than 4 competitors in order to ensure competition. However, safety of competitors will be taken into consideration based on age and weight.

Las Vegas High School