AFSO Welsh Cardiff Open

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Hosted by:

Brian Nelson
Tatami Sports -Brian Nelson 07784125614 Ring Sports - Denzil Lawrence 07932253849 Paul Sutton - 07715591683



AFSO Light Contact Rules

AFSO Ring Kickboxing Rules

AFSO Semi Contact Rules

K1 Light Tatami Rules

Registration deadline:

Fri Nov 29, 2024 23:59 GMT in about 1 month

Entry fees:

First category: £20
Additional categories: £15 each

Spectator Ticket:
£8 online
£10 at the door

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General Information

This is an amateur event open to all styles, associations and countries.

Sunday 1st December 2024 at Ultimate Fitness Centre, Penlline Street, Roath, Cardiff, CF24 3DB (Above Bedford MOT station).

Contact information:
Ring Sports - Denzil Lawrence: 07932253849
Ring Sports - Paul Sutton: 07715591683
Tatami Sports - Brian Nelson: 07784125614

Novice - First 3 grades
Advanced - 4th grades onwards

Anyone found to have entered a novice category dishonestly will be disqualified.

****PLEASE NOTE: If there is only 1 competitor in your category, we will match you as closely as possible, therefore you may be moved UP a weight category.****

Doors Open from 8:30am for a 9:30am start.

Entry Fees:
First category £20. Additional categories £15. Spectators £8
Door Price: First category £25. Additional categories £20. Spectators £10.

See information for AFSO Rules and Regulations (Note: Semi contact points fights will use the 3,2,1 scoring system)

Head guards, pads, gloves, shin guards, gum shields, groin guards etc MUST be worn to fight.

Ultimate Fitness Centre