JKS Glasgow Development Championships

Hosted by:

JKS Glasgow



Registration deadline:

Sat Oct 15, 2022 23:59 BST over 2 years ago

Entry fees:

First category: £7.50
Additional categories: £2.50 each

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General Information

JKS Glasgow would like to invite you to our 1st Development competition.

This competition is for all members 7-15 years and white belt to purple belt.

It will be held at Kelvinhall on Sunday 23rd October from 9am-5pm. Times may vary depending on how busy categories are.

Categories for kata will be split into age and for kumite into age and gender.

This is a great opportunity for all members to improve on previous competitions experience or try competing for the 1st time.

Spectators - £5 (under 5 free)
