Peterborough Championship Series 2022

Hosted by:

Andrew Hicks

Registration deadline:

Sat Nov 05, 2022 23:59 GMT over 2 years ago

Entry fees:

First category: £20
Additional categories: £16 each
Team Kata: £35 per team
Open Weight: £25
Spectators: £6 (pay on the day, no pre-registration)

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General Information

Welcome to the 2022 Peterborough Championship Series, now in its 22nd year and growing in support each year. With the growing number of competitors we have new categories; we now have over 300 individual categories. Including beginner, Intermediate and advanced sections for all Kata and under 16 and over 16 Open Team Kata (2/3 persons, £35 per team).

Pre registering is easy, You either download the excel complete all the fields and save it and email it to info@peterboroughseires,co,uk and make a bank transfer online or you can complete the online form and make a bank transfer online .

£20 per category – £16 additional categories
£35 Team Kata (per team)
£25 Open weight
£6 Spectator (Pay on the day, no Pre reg)

Pre-registering is easy, just complete the form (or download excel file from download area and email to and then make a direct payment from your bank account to:

Sort Code: 20-67-40
Account Number: 73576256

Or by cheque payable to MR A S HICKS post to Peterborough Championship Series 2022,
36 School Road, Newborough, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE6 7RG.

We will contact you to confirm receipt of payment once received. Do not send cash as any loses will not be refunded, all payment are non refundable or transferable.

For queries please email or telephone 07974196256.

Bushfield Leisure Centre