Hosted by:

Brackenfell Shotokan Karate Academy
062 402 8783


CT Summer Challenge Invitation

All Styles Tournament Belt Rank and Division Numbers

Cape Town Summer Challenge Flyer

Adjusted Competition Rules

Competitor Entry & Indemnity Form_Cape Town Summer Challenge_2024

Registration deadline:

Wed Mar 06, 2024 23:59 SAST 12 months ago

Entry fees:

First 2 categories: R250
Additional categories: R100 each
Teams: R50 per team member per category

Adults & Teens:

Children (4 - 12yrs) :

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General Information

Greetings to all Dojo Owners,

Brackenfell Shotokan Karate Academy extends an invitation to your dojo to participate in the 2024 CAPE TOWN SUMMER CHALLENGE INVITATIONAL.

This tournament, while friendly, promises high competition standards and serves as excellent preparation for the upcoming 2024 WUKF SA National Championship & Afro-Asia Open in March 2024.

Our aim is to foster friendship, participation, and interaction, irrespective of style and organisation. We warmly welcome your presence.

Moreover, these tournaments provide an opportunity for dojos to introduce novice students to a competitive environment and prepare experienced athletes for upcoming provincial and national tournaments, particularly the upcoming WUKF SA’s.

Please take note of the following:
• NO regional or provincial colours will be awarded at this tournament. It is a friendly event with no impact on any
organisation, team selection, or merit beyond the Cape Town Summer Challenge.
• Unfortunately, NO refunds will be given for no-shows or competitors unable to compete due to illness on the
tournament day.

We encourage all dojos to send referees, judges, and table officials to further develop officials for future Western Cape tournaments. Please motivate your officials to volunteer – this will lead to a more efficiently run tournament and reduce the workload for each official.

A snack shop and food stand will be available for our hungry competitors and spectators, with a card facility for payment. Our officials will be catered for throughout the championship. The following stands will be present:
1. BSKA Tuck Shop
2. Jaffle Hoekie
3. Boston Coffee
4. BSKA Martial Arts Equipment Sale Stand

All floors will be live-streamed on our Facebook pages with TV-like graphics! Don't miss the live action at WUKF SA - Live Streaming. Join us for live streaming on all 4 floors at:
• WUKF SA - Live Streaming – Tournament Live Streaming
• WUKF SA - Live Streaming - 1: Floor 1
• WUKF SA - Live Streaming - 2: Floor 2
• WUKF SA - Live Streaming - 3: Floor 3
• WUKF SA - Live Streaming - 4: Floor 4

Our goal is to develop athletes and officials, creating a day of friendly competition and learning.
All payments and entries must be submitted to the Dojo Head. The Dojo Head is responsible for transferring the dojo’s entries as a bulk payment. NO entries from individual students will be accepted.

Please adhere to the closing date; entries close on 1st of March 2024 at midnight. We need to finalise the following in advance:
• Compile and finalise the Male & Female Divisions, identifying any mistakes or incorrect entries.
• Compile and finalise the drawsheets for each division.
• Calculate the correct total entries to plan how many floors are needed for the tournament day.
• Determine the total referees, judges, and jury table officials for the competition.
• Finalise the Order of Event for the tournament.

Attached are the following documents:
1. Tournament Invitation
2. All Styles Tournament Belt Rank and Division Numbers
3. Cape Town Summer Challenge Flyer
4. WUKF Rules adjustment for the tournament.
5. Competitor Entry & Indemnity Form that MUST be completed and signed by the competitor/parent.

For any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We eagerly anticipate seeing you all there!

Banking Details: Brackenfell Shotokan Karate Academy
Bank: Nedbank
Type: Current
Account No: 1236597346
Branch Code: 198765

DF Malan High School