2024 Friendship Open Karate Tournament

Hosted by:

Brian Morrow
(509) 780-3808



Registration deadline:

Sun Jun 09, 2024 23:59 PDT 9 months ago

Entry fees:

First category: $60
Additional categories: $10 each
Teams: $10 per team member per category

Spectator Tickets:
$5 online
$5 at the door

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General Information

You are invited to participate in the Inland Empire AAU Karate Friendship Open Karate Tournament.
Saturday June 8th:
Doors Open for Check In – 8:30am
Referee & Coach's Meeting – 9:30am
Tournament Begins - 10am

Tournament Location:
Lincoln Middle School
1945 4th Ave,
Clarkston, WA 99403

Registration Cost:
$60 for the first event,
$10 for each additional event

Deadline for Registration: Wednesday June 5 at 11:59pm.
ONLINE Registration ONLY.
No registrations will be taken at the door.

Rules & Regulations:
- **Kata Divisions:** Scorecard
- **Kata 35+:** Scorecard
- **Weapons Divisions:** Scorecard
- **Kumite: ** Round Robin
- The tournament will follow AAU rules, with some modifications.
Please attend the Coaches & Referee Meeting at 9:30 AM on Saturday for a comprehensive overview and a Q&A session.

Order of Competition (Updated):
1) Black Belts (Advanced) - Kobudo Kata, Kumite - 35+, Then Youth
2) Ages: 5 yr + first
3) Rank: White Belts (Beginners) and up
4) Kobudo, Kata, Kumite (Take all gear with you to ring)

Team Kata:
Team kata registrations are on an individual basis. We will get teams put together on the day of the tournament.

Inclusive/Adaptive Division:
This division is open to the following:
Groups will be divided at the time of tournament depending on amount of participants at the tournament.
• Group A: Competitors have full mobility of arms and legs (competitor can kick above the waist and extend arms fully for hand techniques) or have a higher level of cognitive skills. Competitors perform patterns with assistance from instructor/coach. Instructor/Coach assists from outside the ring. People who qualify to compete in this group will have been injured serving in the military and or are veterans.
• Group B: Competitors have limited mobility of arms and/or legs (do not kick above the waist, do not extend arms
fully for hand techniques) or have a lower level of cognitive skills. Competitors perform basis skills such as blocking,
striking and kicking techniques with direction from an instructor/ coach. Instructor/coach may be in the ring with
competitor and perform technique/form alongside of the competitor.
• Group C: Competitor compete in a wheelchair. Competitor performs techniques/ forms on their own.

The printed rules clearly state: “Each contestant is responsible for the control of his/her techniques.” All competitors must wear protective equipment that is required by the referee counsel; gloves, helmet, mouth guard & groin protection (males). Other protective equipment can be worn as long as it is allowed by the chief referee. The wearing of the equipment is for the protection of the participants, NOT TO PROMOTE CONTACT. Contact violations will be given by the referee panel. 3 violations will result in disqualification. The Referee, with a majority vote, may elevate a contact violation if necessary, including up to disqualification. Any contestant maliciously causing injury to their opponent will be disqualified immediately and will be awarded Shikaku, exit from the tournament.

Rank Description/Key:
Beginner = 0 - 1 yr exp
Novice = 1 - 2 yr exp
Intermediate = 2 - 4 yr exp
Advanced = Black Belt
*Divisions may be combined.

Lincoln Middle School Gym