2024 SZA Online Kata League Leg 2

Registration is by invitation only.
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Registration deadline:

Tue Aug 06, 2024 23:59 SAST 7 months ago

Entry fees:

R130 per category
Teams: R40 per team member per category

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General Information

2024 SZA Online Kata League Leg 2

Date: 10 AUG 2024 (Judging will be done live at the Kyalami Dojo from 12h30.)

Cost: R130 per individual category and R40 per team member for Team Kata.


The Shotokan-ZA Online League is a 3 part league, wherein competitors accumulate points in each leg.
SZA Online Kata League Leg 3, 09 November 2024
At the end of Leg 3, overall winners in each division will be announced.

Age groups:

Children (6-8)
1. Kiddies belts (White belts with stripes): 1 round of kata, can perform Yogi Kata or Kihon Kata
2. White (Kyu 10) - Orange (Kyu 7): 1 round of kata, can perform Taikyoku Shodan or a Shitei.
3. Green (Kyu 6) - Purple/Red (Kyu 4): 1 round of kata, must perform a SHITEI.

Children (9-10, 11-12)
1. White (Kyu 10) - Orange (Kyu 7): 1 round of kata, must perform a SHITEI.
2. Green (Kyu 6) - Purple/Red (Kyu 4): 1 round of kata, must perform a SHITEI.
3. Brown (Kyu 3) - Black (Dan): 1 round of kata, can perform a SENTEI.

Mini Cadets (13), Cadets B (14-15); Cadets A (16-17); Juniors (18-20); Seniors (21-35); Veterans A (36-49) & Veterans B (50+)
1. White (Kyu 10) - Orange (Kyu 7): 1 round of kata, can perform a SHITEI, SENTEI or TOKUI.
2. Green (Kyu 6) - Purple/Red (Kyu 4): 1 round of kata, can perform a SHITEI, SENTEI or TOKUI.
3. Brown (Kyu 3) - Black (Dan): 1 round of kata, can perform a SHITEI, SENTEI or TOKUI.

We reserve the right to combine divisions if there are less than 3 competitors in a division.
Orange-Black belt competitors are NOT ALLOWED TO REPEAT a kata in any of the 3 Legs of the League.

Age Groups:
1. 15y and below (All belts).
2. 16y and above (All belts).
White (Kyu 10) - Purple/Red (Kyu 4): 1 round of kata, can perform any kata and MAY REPEAT a kata in the 3 Legs of the League.
Brown (Kyu 3) - Black (Dan): 1 round of kata, can perform any kata and are NOT ALLOWED TO REPEAT a kata in the 3 Legs of the League.

Age groups:
1. Group A: 12y and below (All belts), must perform a SHITEI.
2. Group B: 13y-20y (All belts), can perform a SHITEI, SENTEI or TOKUI.
3. Group C: 21y and above (All belts), can perform a SHITEI, SENTEI or TOKUI.
Teams can be mixed or same gender.
A competitor can only compete in 1 team.
Competitors will only have 1 round kata and are NOT ALLOWED TO REPEAT a kata any of the 3 Legs of the League.

1. The video should show the competitor’s name, age and dojo.
2. The size of the area shall be large enough for the competitor to be able to safely perform the whole kata.
3. The video MUST be in LANDSCAPE FORMAT.
4. It must be taken in-line with the competitor’s head-level and the whole body must be visible during the kata and sound must be on.
5. The light source should be facing the competitor and not the camera.
6. Competitors must wear a white karate gi and their own colour belts

All entry fees must be paid and proof of payment sent by 05 AUG 2024!
Payment must be done by each Dojo Head.

Account: Shotokan-ZA
Bank: FNB
Branch: 250655
Acc Nr: 6257 7117 172
Reference: SZA-Leg2-Dojo Name

Email proof of payment to admin@shotokan.org.za

Online (Kyalami Dojo)