Registration deadline:
Fri Nov 22, 2024 23:59 GMT 2 months ago
per team per category
General Information
Our TKA Scottish Championships, Individually, have 4 Categories:-
Traditional Kata (KO until the final 4, then points awarded per individual kata)
(both competitors line out together, perform the given kata, judges indicate their choice by flag).
Points Kata (max 2 rounds only, unless a tie)
(individuals perform their kata of choice from the following WUKF lists (Shitei, Sentei or Tokui).
Ippon Kumite
(1 Ippon or 2 wazari, if Ippon or 2 wazari, haven't been scored, within the time limit, the Judges Decide, the winner or extra match.
Sanbon Kumite
(3 Ippon or 6 wazari, the competitor with the most points at the end of the time period, wins.
Our Grand Champions are decided by the number of points collected in each category:-
5 points for a win
4 points for 2nd place
3 points for 3rd place
Each age group will have their Grand Champion, declared, at the end of our Championships & be awarded their Grand Champion Trophy.
THE LAST EVENTS ON THE DAY WILL BE THE PAIR / TEAM EVENTS, this will allow us to calculate, all our Grand Champions.
Rules of Kata (Points & Flag) & Kumite (Ippon & Sanbon)
This is a summary of rules for our TKA Championships, using as necessary the current WUKF rules.
SHOBU IPPON, SHOBU SANBON and SHOBU NIHON Kumite events will be run under WUKF system, with slight changes, explained at the coaches meeting.
A summary explanation of the scoring system.
1. If time is not an issue & dependant on the event, (IPPON, SANBON or NIHON), then the bout is terminated when the score reaches 1 IPPON, or 3 IPPONS or 2 IPPONS.
2. In all events, the highest maximum individual score that can be given at any one time is IPPON. The lowest score that can be given is a WAZA-ARI, also the table scoring system has been adopted from WUKF, whereby a WAZA-ARI. = 1 point & an IPPON. = 2 points (on the score boards).
3. All Kumite events will be run with a Referee, flag judges or Mirror Judge & Arbitrator. Arbitrator can assist in the decision-making process.
4. Competitors will wear a RED belt (AKA) & WHITE belt (SHIRO) to identify themselves during the Kumite events. Every event the competitor MUST wear a gum shield (except when a face mask is worn). Foot & Shin protection are now permitted. Hand mitts MUST be worn. The timing of bouts will be the same as stated in the WUKF rules, but can be subject to change, depending on how the competition is running.
KATA – Shotokan ONLY
1. Kata events will run as per the WUKF POINTS system.
2. Round 1 will be scored from 5.0 to 7.0 (average 6.0).
3. Round 2 will be scored from 6.0 to 8.0 (average 7.0).
4. Round 3 (final round) will be scored from 7.0 to 9.0 (average 8.0).
5. 1st round is Shitei, 2nd round Shitei or Sentei, 3rd round Shitei, Sentei or Tokui.
6. All Categories with students graded “Up to Purple & White - 4th Kyu”, may repeat their Kata in rounds 1 & 2.
The 3rd or Final kata must be a different kata, all other categories MUST NOT REPEAT.
7. All Kata events will be run under WUKF rules.
8. In Kata events competitors must wear their graded belt.
9. All Points & Pairs Kata, will be a max, of 2 rounds
Heian 1-5
Tekki Shodan
Bassai Dai
Kanku Dai
Bassai Sho
Kanku Sho
Tekki Nidan
Gojushiho Sho
Gojushiho Dai
Tekki Sandan
A SUMMARY of Team Rotation (See WUKF rules)
1. 39.1 In Kumite Team Rotation the duration of each match will be 6 minutes running time.
2. 39.2 The clock will stop only when the Referee requests “Time”.
1. 40.1 The Sanbon Rotation team will be composed of 3 competitors in each round.
2. 40.1.1 A team that does not have 3 competitors at the start of each round of the competition will not be
allowed to compete and will be declared Kiken.
3. 40.2 Each team may have only one reserve, who may be substituted for an injured competitor or if the coach
requires. However, this substitution may only be made in the next round.
4. 40.3 The team spirit requires that each competitor must fight at least once and for at least 15 seconds during
the prescribed time (6 minutes).
5. 40.4 If at the end of the match (after 6 minutes), one of the competitors has not fought, the team involved will
be disqualified (Hansoku).
6. 40.4.1 In the case of the last fight, a competitor can fight for less than 15 seconds if the change was requested
by the Coach and validated by Change Judge according to Art. 43.3.
7. 40.5 EXCEPTION: if one competitor reaches an advantage of “6 points” (3 Ippon, or 6 waza-ari, or a
combination of Ippon and Waza-ari), ahead of the other team and before the time-up bell is sounded,
his/her team will be declared the winner even though the other two members of his team did not fight.
1. 41.1 There will be no limit to the number of points that may be scored. Each team may score as many points
as its competitors are capable of, during the 6 minutes.
2. 41.2 At Time-Up, the winner will be the team who scored more points (total score) than the opponent team,
during the 6 minutes of time.
3. 41.3 However, if one of the teams reaches an advantage of “6 points” (3 Ippon, or 6 waza-ari, or a combination
of Ippon and Waza-ari), within the 6 minutes prescribed time, it will be declared the winner.
1. 42.1 If, after 6 minutes, there is a tie, the team who has the most Ippon will be declared the winner.
2. 42.2 If the tie persists, HANTEI will be called. The decision could be AKA/SHIRO NO-KACHI or HIKIWAKE. In the situation of HIKIWAKE there will be 2 minutes extension of time (Encho-Sen) and the team who scores the first point will be declared the winner. Each coach will choose 1 competitor from their team to initiate the extension. This competitor may be changed after the extension has begun.
1. 43.1 One Change-Judge will be used for the Rotation Team; he/she will be positioned outside of the tatami on
the opposite side of the Jury table having 2 flags (AKA and SHIRO) (see Figure 13 below).
2. 43.1.1 The sole function of the Change-Judge is to indicate to the referee when and which competitor should
be changed.
3. 43.1.2 The Change-Judge will have no opinion on scores, warnings or penalties nor shall he/she participate in
4. 43.2 During the match, the coach or, in exceptional circumstances and with WUKF RefCom permission, the
team captain, may make as many substitutions between the 3 team members as they desire. A competitor
who has already been replaced may come back to fight again in the same round and whenever requested
during the match.
5. 43.3 Requests to change must be made by the Coach and validated by the Change Judge BEFORE Atoshi
6. 43.4 The competitor who is to be substituted must be ready and have all the required equipment and
protectors when the referee calls him onto the Tatami.
1. 43.5 Coaches must sit down in identified chairs placed on either side of the Change-Judge (see Fig. 13 above)
2. 43.6 Whilst one member of the team is on the Tatami, the other 2 members of the team will always have to be
equipped and ready to be called onto the Tatami. At the start of the match, Fighter 1 must line up at the
side of the mat and Fighter 2 and 3 must stand beside the coach, until after they have fought. Once a
fighter has fought, he/she must stay standing at the side of the mat and they must not return to their
starting position beside the coach.
3. 43.7 When the Coach intends to make a substitution, he/she must request “CHANGE” to the Change-Judge.
4. 43.8 The Change-Judge must validate the request and ensure (checking the official scoring screen) that there is
at least 15 seconds between changes.
5. 43.9 The Change-Judge, using the whistle, the flag, and the command “Change”, will indicate to the Referee
that he/she will have to stop the match to allow a substitution.
6. 43.10.1 Only the Referee can decide when to stop the match and allow the substitution, by calling ‘Change”.
The substitution will have to be made in a maximum of 3 seconds. If the change exceeds these 3 secs,
the Referee will penalize the team involved for time wasting, with Kinshi and not permit the substitution.
7. 43.10.2 If a competitor is substituted without the referee’s command, the team will be penalized with Kinshi.
8. 43.11 When a substitution occurs, at least another 15 seconds must elapse before another change request is
9. 43.12 When a substitution occurs, the opponent will have to fight for at least another 15 seconds before she/he
may also be substituted.
10. 43.13 Both competitors cannot be substituted at the same time. The Change-Judge must be very attentive as
to which team was first to request a change.
1. 44.1 All the warnings incurred by the competitors in a team will be carried forward and added to any incurred
by the substitute in the same round. Example: If a competitor has been warned with ATENAI CHUI for
excessive contact, the competitor who comes onto the Tatami as the substitute will automatically have
this same warning applied to them and if s/he then commits another Atenai, s/he will be penalized with
Atenai Hansoku
2. 44.2 In a team match, if a competitor is penalized with HANSOKU, the whole team will be disqualified. 44.3 In
a team match, if a competitor is penalized with SHIKAKKU, the whole team will be eliminated for the entire
3. 44.3.1 Before applying the SHIKAKKU penalty the Referee will have to consult the Tatami Manager and the
WUKF Referee Commission.
Flag System Kata Rules
Individual Match
1. Elimination kata are selected by the Tournament Host and will be announced prior to the competition. The Referee will draw the Kata to be performed from the selection.
2. In the event of a draw a further match will be undertaken after which a decision must be made.
3. The final kata will be selected by the Competitor but must be different from the elimination kata.
4. In lower grade kata events, an elimination kata may be used in the final.
Composition of Judging Panel
1. In elimination matches, the panel of Judges will consist of a Referee and either two, four or six Judges.
2. In the final matches, the panel will consist of one Referee and four or six Judges.
Individual Match
1. Elimination Matches Flag or Points System
2. Final Matches Points System
Method of Decision
Elimination Matches - Flag System
1. When called, the Competitors will proceed to the Shiai jo and bow to the Referee who will state clearly the name of the kata to be performed. The Competitors will commence their kata on the Referee’s command “Hajime” and will finish on the Referee’s command “Yame” to await the Judge’s decision. Following the announcement of the decision, the Competitors will bow to the Referee and leave the match area.
Elimination or Final Matches - Points System
1. When called, the Competitor will proceed to the Shiai jo, bow to the Referee and state the name of the Kata to
be performed.
2. The Referee will announce the selected kata and the Competitor will commence the performance. Upon
completion of the kata, the Referee will call for the Judges’ decision, the Referee and Judges will raise their
score cards and the Announcer will call out the scores.
3. After the score is announced, the Referee will order the Judges to retract their score cards.
4. Out of the seven scores given, the highest and lowest will be disregarded and the remaining five scores will be
totalled; the Announcer will then declare the final score.
5. In the situation of a tie, the lowest score will be added back. If there is still a tie, the highest score will be
added back. If there is still a tie, there will be an extra match.
6. In the case of an extra match, the first Competitor will be given the average score. The second Competitor
must then be given 0 .1 higher or lower than the first Competitor.
7. If a competitor makes a mistake, the Referee will call the Judges and decide what penalty to impose.
8. Competitors failing to complete their kata will be disqualified.
The TKA reserve the right to combine Categories.
• The first events will commence at 9.30am.
• ALL COMPETITORS can ONLY compete in their own age categories & MAY NOT MOVE, UP OR DOWN.
• WUKF Sanbon mitts cannot be used for the Ippon events.
• Cost of entries: All Individuals £16 per event, All Team events are £21 per team per event.
• The minimum number of competitors per event category and the cancellation of events are at the discretion of
the organisers.
• No late entries on the day.
• Only the official coach may approach the control table for any queries, competitors or spectators must go via
their coach for information.
• Spectator’s entry fees are £5, which will be pay on the day, at the Spectators entrance.
• All Students who are competing must be fully insured by their association and must have their licenses at hand
to be checked on the day if required.
• All competitors should be aware that this event will be under the WUKF rules, with Slight amendments by the