German Open 2025

Top Individuals

« Results

Gold Silver Bronze
Marcel Schönbom Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 4 0 0
Marc Willems Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 4 0 0
Letizia De Lippe Flag of Germany Nordseefighter e.V. 3 0 0
Sebastian Claussen Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 3 0 0
Dean Imbusch Flag of England kenshin martial arts 2 1 0
Jordan Imbusch Flag of England kenshin martial arts 2 1 0
Leon Thomas Lindemann Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 2 0 1
Richard Brüsemann Flag of Germany Home of Streetfighters 2 0 1
Bennet Wegener Flag of Germany Martial Arts Gilz 2 0 0
Emilia Sophie Trachsel Flag of Germany Karate Factory 2 0 0
Frida Wustrack Flag of Germany Martial Arts Gilz 2 0 0
Holger Volz Flag of Germany Martial arts Team TSV Rannungen 2 0 0
Jana Ceylan Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 2 0 0
Johannes Klose Flag of Germany Fight Team Todtglüsingen 2 0 0
Johann Steinhagen Flag of Germany Martial Arts Gilz 2 0 0