German Open 2025


Top Countries See All

Gold Silver Bronze
Flag of Germany Germany 75 76 42
Flag of England England 4 3 1
Flag of Belgium Belgium 2 2 0
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 1 2 1
Flag of Spain Spain 1 0 1

Top 10 Schools See All

Gold Silver Bronze
17 2 2
12 3 1
7 10 2
5 3 0
5 1 3
5 1 0
4 5 5
4 3 1
3 2 2
2 4 2

Top 10 Individuals See All

Gold Silver Bronze
Marcel Schönbom Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 4 0 0
Marc Willems Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 4 0 0
Letizia De Lippe Flag of Germany Nordseefighter e.V. 3 0 0
Sebastian Claussen Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 3 0 0
Dean Imbusch Flag of England kenshin martial arts 2 1 0
Jordan Imbusch Flag of England kenshin martial arts 2 1 0
Leon Thomas Lindemann Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 2 0 1
Richard Brüsemann Flag of Germany Home of Streetfighters 2 0 1
Bennet Wegener Flag of Germany Martial Arts Gilz 2 0 0
Emilia Sophie Trachsel Flag of Germany Karate Factory 2 0 0

Light Contact 11-12 years F 35.6-40.5kg

1. 177 177 Pia Graefe Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate GER
2. 178 178 Viktoria Papazoglou Feuersports/Karate

Light Contact 11-12 years F 45.6-50.5kg

1. 187 187 Jana Ceylan Feuersports/Karate
2. 352 352 Sharleen Rosenburg Flag of Germany Baltic Warriors e.V GER

Light Contact 11-12 years F 50.6-55.5kg

1. 186 186 Yasemin Sarikaya Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate GER
2. 325 325 Duha Emel Kaplan Flag of Germany YU Sport Studio GER

Light Contact 13-14 years M 45.6-50.5kg

1. 339 339 Emilian Bliesch Flag of Germany Baltic Warriors e.V GER
2. 183 183 Nick Bachmann Flag of Germany Karate Factory GER

Light Contact 13-14 years M 60.6-65.5kg

1. 221 221 Pakin Chaemkham Flag of Germany Martial Arts Team Neumuenster GER
2. 377 377 Lukas Bahr Flag of Germany Nordseefighter e.V. GER
3. 364 364 Volkan Gülsen Flag of Germany YU Sport Studio GER

Light Contact 13-14 years M +65.6kg

1. 361 361 Üzmen Stefan Flag of Germany YU Sport Studio GER
2. 330 330 Mattis Lempfert Flag of Germany Ninjutsu Akademie GER
3. 193 193 Yağız Rüzgar Doğan Flag of Germany Karate Factory GER
4. 225 225 Maximilian Brömstrup Flag of Germany SV Schwansen e.V. GER
5. 360 360 Mustafa Sakalli Flag of Germany YU Sport Studio GER

Light Contact 13-14 years F 45.6-50.5kg

1. 204 204 Emilia Sophie Trachsel Flag of Germany Karate Factory GER
2. 244 244 Ylvie Flöther Flag of Germany Fitness und Kampfkunst Hann. Münden GER

Light Contact 15-17 years M 65.6-70.5kg

1. 394 394 Tim Wende Flag of Germany Kung Fu & Fitness Wentorf GER
2. 340 340 Michel Wegmann Flag of Germany Baltic Warriors e.V GER

Light Contact 15-17 years M +80.6kg

1. 340 340 Michel Wegmann Flag of Germany Baltic Warriors e.V GER
2. 214 214 Jan Luca Pfeiffer Flag of Germany SV Schwansen e.V. GER

Light Contact 15-17 years F 55.6-60.5kg

1. 372 372 Letizia De Lippe Flag of Germany Nordseefighter e.V. GER
2. 395 395 Cerina Schibitzki Flag of Germany Kung Fu & Fitness Wentorf GER