German Open 2025

Top Individuals

« Results

Gold Silver Bronze
Alexandra Lau Flag of Germany WHKD Segeberg 0 2 0
Eric Kirchner Flag of Germany Nordseefighter e.V. 0 2 0
Julian “the Witcher“ Aumer Flag of Germany TSV Neustadt in Holstein 0 2 0
Liv Seifert Flag of Germany Nordseefighter e.V. 0 2 0
Lukas Bahr Flag of Germany Nordseefighter e.V. 0 2 0
Michael Bahr Flag of Germany Nordseefighter e.V. 0 2 0
Nike Kira Rothkopf Flag of Germany Martial Arts Gilz 0 2 0
Viktoria Papazoglou Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 0 2 0
Yvonne Kamps Flag of Germany Whkd Bahrenfeld 0 2 0
Amaru Gil Flag of Venezuela Team Legend International Europa 0 1 1
Kido-Sun Chung Flag of Germany Baltic Warriors e.V 0 1 1
Konstantin Knüppel Flag of Germany TSV Heidenau 0 1 1
Leopold Schütt Flag of Germany TSV Neustadt in Holstein 0 1 1
Oona Marte Michalski Flag of Germany TSV Neustadt in Holstein 0 1 1
Robin Philipp Flag of Germany FFSports Bad Bramstedt 0 1 1