2025 WKO K1 National Championships

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Hosted by:

Jon Green

Registration deadline:

Fri Jun 06, 2025 23:59 BST in 3 months

Entry fees:

First category: £40
Additional categories: £25 each

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General Information


To order SPECTATOR TICKETS (copy and paste the below link)


Online Registration:
Opens April 2025
No entries will be taken once capacity limit is reached

(or sooner if the capacity limit has been reached)

Provisional Draws will be published 10th June 2025

Once provisional draws are live Coaches can add or remove fighters to/from suitable/none suitable categories. This can only be instructed by the the coach of the fighter.

To find WKO RULES FOR ALL STYLES (Copy and paste the below link)


This event is scheduled for 1 day all categories will run on the Saturday spanned over 4 Rings.

With mandatory weigh ins including:
Mandatory day before weigh in on Friday 20th June 5-7pm

Juniors 13yrs and under will compete from 10am onwards
All ages 14yrs and older will compete from 1pm onwards

Fighters only have to weigh in once.

Fighters are required to be entered at the correct weight they can maintain safely.

Weigh ins Licence Check will be carried out at the weigh in competitors are only required to check in, weigh in ONCE.

Day before check in:
Friday 20th June from 5pm to 7pm

Saturday 21st June will be the 2025 Open K-1 World Championships from 8am
Juniors Championships 10am to 1pm
Adults Championships 1pm to 7pm
4 Areas in total
(Times may vary!)

No Licence No Fight No Refund
Fail Medical No Fight No Refund
Fail weigh in we will try to rematch you but if cant No Refund

Round lengths:

Elimination Rounds:
Junior bouts 12yrs and under
2 x 1 minute round with 30 seconds rest​
Cadet bouts 13yrs to 16yrs
2 x 1.5 minute round with 45 seconds rest​
Senior bouts 17yrs and over
2 x 2 minute round with 60 seconds rest
If a draw, 3 round will be contested.

Junior bouts 12yrs and under
3 x 1 minute round with 30 seconds rest​
Cadet bouts 13yrs to 16yrs
3 x 1.5 minute round with 45 seconds rest​
Senior bouts 17yrs and over
3 x 2 minute round with 60 seconds rest

If you weigh more than you registered, let us know before hand so we can amend your entry.

All who register are provisionally placed into categories within the age weight limit allowances. We do NOT merge categories. If fighters cant be directly matched we will create new divisions within the closest age and weight allowance for a fair fight.

If we cant match you within the age & weight allowances we will refund you or allow you switch rules or move up a ages weight division at YOUR coaches consent.

All divisions are provisional until all fighters have weighed in, passed licence check and passed medical where required. These things are out of our control but will do our best to manage any changes which need to be made following the check stages.

We will always do our best to match as many as possible, but will always notify and refund those that cant be matched.

If pay through PayPal these are much quicker refund returns than card payments. This is out of our control but will endeavour to get your repayment to you as soon as possible.

By registering and to compete in this event and by making payment and follow login procedures. I fully accept this is my digital signature to certify that I, as an officially WKO recognised competitor/parent of competitor/coach of competitor/guardian of competitor of combat sports, consent to the registered competitor/s and agree to this release, and also agree for myself/ourselves, my/our heirs, assigns and next of kin, to release and indemnify from all liability, incidents to my involvement as stated above.

Basildon Sporting Village