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MMA Taekwon-Do
0409 886 381
$70 per individual
General Information
Queensland ITF Association (QITFA) Queensland State Championships
Date: 26-27 April 2025 (registrations commencing 8am on 26 April, with competition commencing at 9am)
Location: Morayfield Sport and Events Centre
This tournament seeks to provide our ITF Taekwon-Do students in Queensland the opportunity develop their skills and pathways to represent their state and nation at future National and World Championships. We are excited to bring together Taekwon-Do students from across our state, nation and continent, and various organisations.
We will largely follow the ITF-Vienna Tournament Rules, which can be found online at the following location: https://www.itf-tkd.org/api/download-document/40b2cc42-9a19-4d7c-8cf4-5191e0bae2f7
Please do not hesitate to contact Matt Madsen should you have any queries.