Hip Pocket 24th Annual Funakoshi Karate Open Championships

Hosted by:

Funakoshi Karate Student Fund Inc


2019 WKF Rules

24th Annual Funakoshi Karate Open Championships flyer

Karate Victoria rules

Registration deadline:

Thu Oct 17, 2019 23:59 AEDT over 5 years ago

Entry fees:

$70 per individual + $10 per category
Teams: $10 per team member per category

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General Information

The Funakoshi Open has a proud history dating back to 1996 when it began as an intra club event for Warrnambool and surrounding districts’ Karateka. The event has evolved over time and is now an Australian Karate Federation (Victoria) endorsed event and is an important part of their annual events calendar.
The Funakoshi Open in 2019 has moved to a new venue! We’ve listened to your feedback and will now be hosting the event at The Arc, Warrnambool. A Larger venue, with tiered seating, improved canteen facilities and parking. You can find the Arc less than 1 kilometer North of the old site at Brauer College.
VKL Development / WKF Rules (refer to attachments) apply for this development level tournament, including:
- Free choice Kata (for all rounds and events)
- Team Kata (excluding bunkai)
- 10th-7th kyu can repeat same Kata every round. All other divisions can repeat but not consecutively i.e. A-B-A-
- Age category calculated as per day of event (ie if you are turning 18 on the 20th October, 2019, you would be classed as an 18 year old for the 2019 event).
- Only traditional white gi are to be worn. Allowing for club kanji and manufacturer’s label.
Each competitor must have available to them for the entirety of the division they are entered into both red and blue WKF approved safety equipment and obi/belts.
Each kumite competitor must have available to them and use a mouth guard, either RED or BLUE mitts, shin and instep guards. Male competitors must have a groin guard and women must have breast guards.
Entry for this event will be entirely handled online through www.kihapp.com. Registration for competitors, schools, coaches and officials, through to payment for tournament entry will be handled online. Help is available if you get stuck, just email us at fkiastudentfund@gmail.com.
Registration for this tournament closes Midnight (Melbourne time), 16th October 2019.
If you are looking for a place to stay, try https://visitwarrnambool.com.au/accommodation/ for further details.

Warrnambool Stadium (ARC) 8:30am check in for 9:30am Start