STaF Anniversary Cup

Hosted by:

Stockholms Taidoförening

Registration deadline:

Fri May 03, 2019 23:59 CEST almost 6 years ago

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General Information

Welcome to STaF Anniversary Cup

The events for this tournament are as following

General events:
Hokei males 0-3kyu:
6-8 years (Sen Tai/in hokei or the participants own hokei)*
9-11 years (Sen, Un Tai/in hokei or the participants own hokei)*
12-14 years (Sen, Un, Hen Tai/in hokei)
15-17 years (Sen, Un, Hen, Nen Tai/in hokei)
18+ years (Tai/in hokei)

Hokei females 0-3kyu:
6-8 years (Sen Tai/in hokei or the participants own hokei)*
9-11 years (Sen, Un Tai/in hokei or the participants own hokei)*
12-14 years (Sen, Un, Hen Tai/in hokei)
15-17 years (Sen, Un, Hen, Nen Tai/in hokei)
18+ years (Tai/in hokei)

Jissen males 0-3kyu:**
9-11 years
12-14 years
15-17 years
18+ years

Jissen females 0-3kyu:
9-11 years
12-14 years
15-17 years
18+ years

Dantai Hokei 0-3kyu (3 per team, tai/in hokei)
Tenkai 0-3kyu (6 per team)

Sonen events:
Sonene Jissen males 35+ years**
Sonen Jissen females 35+ years
Sonen Hokei 35+ years

Ranked events:
Hokei males 2kyu+ (Tai/in hokei)
Hokei females 2kyu+ (Tai/in hokei)
Jissen males 2kyu+ **
Jissen females 2kyu+
Dantai Jissen 4kyu+ (3 per team)** ***
Dantai Hokei 4kyu+ (3 per team)
Tenkai 4kyu+ (6 per team)

Kids events:
Taido Trick Track 0-1Moon
6-8 years
9-11 years

Free unsuko 0-1Moon
6-8 years

Rules and regulations:
*In the Hokei events for divisions 6-8 and 9-11 years participants are allowed to participate with either Sen tai/in hokei or create their own hokei to participate with.
**All males competing in Jissen and/or Dantai Jissen and/or Sonen Jissen must wear a jockstrap/suspensory. Failing to meet this criteria will lead to disqualification.
***To particpate in Dantai Jissen you must be 16+ years.

If you have any questions please contact the host on
