Master William Howard
Phoenix North American Championships
Registration deadline:
Wed Oct 20, 2021 23:59 CDT over 3 years ago
Early Bird Registration $50 per individual Sat Aug 28, 2021 – Mon Sep 20, 2021 23:59 CDT |
Regular Registration $75 per individual Tue Sep 21, 2021 – Wed Oct 06, 2021 23:59 CDT |
Late Registration $100 per individual Thu Oct 07, 2021 – Wed Oct 20, 2021 23:59 CDT |
General Information
Welcome to the Phoenix North American Championships. We look forward to providing you with a top quality event. If you are interested in ordering a t-shirt please know that they will only be available during this on-line registration for those who register on or before October 6, 2021. There will be no t-shirts available during late registration or at the tournament.
For those of you competing in team events please assign one member of the team to be responsible for registering the whole team. As part of the team registration, you will need the competitors team code that they will receive once registered as an individual competitor and can be found on their registration email.
All Black Belts should plan to assist with officiating. Any Black Belt who is planning on attending the tournament but is not competing should fill out the Referee link on the left so we can know who will be available to officiate during the Black Belt divisions. If you are competing we will already have your information so there is no need at this time to fill out the referee link on the left.
Please note that we will follow the state and local COVID protocols. However regardless of protocols any student wishing to wear a face mask or face shield will be allowed to do so.
The tournament committee reserves the right to make modifications to divisions as needed prior to and during the event to ensure good experience for the competitors.