German Open 2025


Top Countries See All

Gold Silver Bronze
Flag of Germany Germany 75 76 42
Flag of England England 4 3 1
Flag of Belgium Belgium 2 2 0
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 1 2 1
Flag of Spain Spain 1 0 1

Top 10 Schools See All

Gold Silver Bronze
17 2 2
12 3 1
7 10 2
5 3 0
5 1 3
5 1 0
4 5 5
4 3 1
3 2 2
2 4 2

Top 10 Individuals See All

Gold Silver Bronze
Marcel Schönbom Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 4 0 0
Marc Willems Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 4 0 0
Letizia De Lippe Flag of Germany Nordseefighter e.V. 3 0 0
Sebastian Claussen Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 3 0 0
Dean Imbusch Flag of England kenshin martial arts 2 1 0
Jordan Imbusch Flag of England kenshin martial arts 2 1 0
Leon Thomas Lindemann Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate 2 0 1
Richard Brüsemann Flag of Germany Home of Streetfighters 2 0 1
Bennet Wegener Flag of Germany Martial Arts Gilz 2 0 0
Emilia Sophie Trachsel Flag of Germany Karate Factory 2 0 0

Kick Light 35-41 years F +65.6kg

1. 331 331 Lisa Wenker Flag of Germany SV Polizei Hamburg GER
2. 356 356 Ajten Dolak Flag of Germany YU Sport Studio GER
3. 346 346 Clara Rosse Flag of Germany Baltic Warriors e.V GER

Point Fight Grand Champion 18+ years M

1. 312 312 Erwin Linkruus Flag of Germany Martial Arts Gilz GER
2. 229 229 kyle Findley Flag of England kenshin martial arts ENG
3. 270 270 Rico Schendel Flag of Germany TSV Neustadt in Holstein GER
4. 394 394 Tim Wende Flag of Germany Kung Fu & Fitness Wentorf GER
5-8. 114 114 Amaru Gil Flag of Venezuela Team Legend International Europa VEN
5-8. 293 293 Sergio Dambrowski Flag of Germany Celik Champs Kickboxen GER
5-8. 175 175 Marc Willems Flag of Germany Feuersports/Karate GER
5-8. 115 115 Josef Ortiz Flag of Venezuela Loyalty kenpo karate academy VEN
9-10. 228 228 Jordan Imbusch Flag of England kenshin martial arts ENG
9-10. 122 122 Carlos Figueredo Flag of Venezuela Team Legend International Europa VEN

Point Fighting - Teams 18+ years M

1. 199 199 Feuerdevils Feuersports/Karate
Sebastian Claussen, Marcel Schönbom, Marc Willems
2. 230 230 Team Kenshin Flag of England kenshin martial arts ENG
kyle Findley, Dean Imbusch, Jordan Imbusch
3. 124 124 Team Legend Flag of Venezuela Team Legend International Europa VEN
Richard Brüsemann, Carlos Figueredo, Amaru Gil
4. 319 319 Martial Arts Gilz Flag of Germany Martial Arts Gilz GER
Denis Gilz, Erwin Linkruus